Adolescent Assessment Clinic

The Adolescent Assessment Clinic provides comprehensive, multidisciplinary assessments of adolescents and young adults. The staff includes two psychiatrists, a pediatrician, an educational psychologist, and licensed social workers.


Our multidisciplinary team of clinicians typically meets with the patient (child, adolescent, or young adult) and all available family members as needed over three sessions. Each session is scheduled on the same day of the week, and at the same hour of the day. Each visit lasts about one hour. During the assessment the patient and family members are seen both together and individually. The assessment by the clinic results in a diagnosis and understanding of how the patient's symptoms affect his/her daily functioning and interaction with others, and offers a plan for continued treatment that is supported by the patient, family and referring professionals.

After this assessment, referrals may be made to community clinicians or to group or individual therapy programs offered by child an adolescent services in the Department of Psychiatry, including:

Patients and families may also be offered referrals to providers outside of the UCSF system of care.

Core faculty and staff


For an appointment, please call (415) 476-7000.