UCSF Psychiatry News

Lauren Weiss, PhD

Weiss honored with UCSF Chancellor Diversity Award

October 18, 2016
UCSF Psychiatry faculty member Lauren Weiss, PhD, was among the 10 individuals honored at UC San Francisco’s 2016 Chancellor Diversity Awards.

Gene links risk of psychiatric disease to reduced synapse numbers

October 18, 2016
New research led by UC San Francisco scientists has revealed that mutations in a gene linked with brain development may dispose people to multiple forms of psychiatric disease by changing the way brain cells communicate.
Elissa Epel, PhD

Epel elected to the National Academy of Medicine

October 17, 2016
Professor of Psychiatry Elissa Epel, PhD, is among the 79 new members elected to the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine.
BBRF logo

Molofsky, Ramanathan named 2016 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant recipients

October 13, 2016
Anna Molofsky, MD, PhD, and Dhakshin Ramanathan, MD, PhD, have been awarded 2016 NARSAD Young Investigator Grants in recognition of their work as promising young scientists conducting innovative, cutting-edge neurobiological research.
Tom Boyce and child

Undoing the harm of childhood trauma and adversity

October 05, 2016
Years of research have shown that trauma and adverse events in childhood can put a person at an elevated risk for a wide range of physical and mental health problems across their life span. But the scope and significance of that impact ­– and how to reverse it – is just beginning to come into focus.

Childhood adversity linked with shorter telomeres

October 04, 2016
Major childhood psychological and social stressors, such as trouble with the police and parental substance abuse, increase the odds of shorter telomere length in adulthood, according to a study led by researchers at UC San Francisco.
SSEW Center Symposium

Symposium on food addiction and obesity set for October 27

October 04, 2016
The Sugar, Stress, Environment, and Weight (SSEW) Center, a collaborative group of researchers from UC San Francisco, UC Berkeley, and UC Davis, will host its eighth annual symposium on Thursday, October 27, 2016 at the UCSF Laurel Heights Conference Center in San Francisco.
Solider expressing grief

UCSF, SFVAMC to collaborate on major study of post-traumatic neurologic and mental health disorders development

October 03, 2016
In response to an executive order from President Obama to initiate major research efforts to better understand and treat PTSD and related disorders, the National Institutes of Health has agreed to fund the most comprehensive longitudinal study of trauma survivors ever performed.
New faculty members

Four new faculty members to join UCSF Psychiatry in October

September 29, 2016
Three new faculty members will officially begin their academic appointments with the Department of Psychiatry on Saturday, October 1, with a fourth joining them on Monday, October 3.
Brain illustration

Poverty may be risk factor for reduced cognitive function in midlife

September 28, 2016
Persistent poverty in young adulthood and midlife may elevate one’s risk for lower cognitive function by age 50, according to the results of a study that tracked income levels of close to 3,400 adults over a 25-year duration.
