Clifford Attkisson Clinical Services Research Training Program

We are currently recruiting for one fellow for a 1–2 year position beginning in 2025. The deadline to submit application materials is December 20, 2024.

The NIMH-funded Clifford Attkisson Clinical Services Research Training Program (CSRTP) is focused on bridging the dissemination and implementation gap between science and service. Since 1985, CSRTP has launched the careers of clinical services investigators by providing high quality education and support to postdoctoral scholars from a variety of disciplines (including psychology, social work, epidemiology, sociology, medicine, health economics, and nursing) who plan to pursue careers in mental health services research.

Graduates of the CSRTP have been extremely successful: eighty-four percent (84%) obtained academic or research positions; by conservative criteria, 66% received research support from extramural, primarily federal, research funds. CSRTP graduates contributed substantively to the extant literature, producing over 500 peer-reviewed publications to date.

Our training goals are to:

  • help postdoctoral fellows acquire sufficient methodological knowledge and research skills to conduct high quality clinical services and interventions research
  • through study and experiential learning, help postdoctoral fellows acquire knowledge about the most important pressing and contemporary issues in clinical services research
  • assist postdoctoral fellows to attain professional skills essential to career advancement in academic and research settings
  • help postdoctoral fellows develop a national scientific peer network within specific research areas

The NIMH has determined that there is an urgent unmet need for science focused on improvement and development of interventions for individuals suffering from mental illness that are acceptable and easily disseminated to the service community and supported by policy makers. CSRTP trains junior investigators in the principles of clinical services research, relevant research methods, and professional skills.


Applicants must have a PhD or postgraduate degree (MD) by time of appointment. Applicants must also be a U.S. citizen or hold permanent resident status in the United States.

How to apply

Please send your CV, along with a cover letter and personal statement describing your research interests, training objectives, professional goals, and prospective primary mentors. 

Applications should be sent to Program Administrator Alexis Sullivan ([email protected]) and Linda Pfiffner, PhD ([email protected]). Positions will be open until filled.


The program consists of:

  • intensive research collaboration and mentorship with a faculty mentor or mentor team
  • a required seminar focused on state-of-the art developments in scientific technologies related to clinical services, interventions and policy research
  • a career development seminar and participation in campus-sponsored career planning and development services
  • education in research methods through elective seminars and directed reading
  • skill development in scientific writing and making scientific presentations
  • job search training
  • training in scientific ethics and responsible conduct in science

The main research emphases will be on:

  • community based treatment development and evaluation
  • dissemination and implementation of evidence-based practice into community settings
  • developing system/intersystem interventions for children, older adults and populations with severe mental illness
  • health policy economics


Linda Pfiffner, PhD, Co-Director
Rachel Loewy, PhD, Co-Director
Kaja LeWinn, DSc, Associate Director

Clinical Services Research Training Program
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
University of California, San Francisco
Box 0984
San Francisco, CA 94143

Core faculty members

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