
Updated: 9 min 59 sec ago

UCSF Establishes UCSF Fresno as a ‘Branch Campus’ of the UCSF School of Medicine

July 10, 2018 - 1:11pm
UCSF School of Medicine is establishing a ‘branch campus’ at UCSF Fresno to lead a training program preparing students to address health needs of the region's diverse and underserved populations.
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Hospital Quality Improves Over Time with EHRs, Study Finds

July 10, 2018 - 10:10am
An examination of how the adoption of EHRs affected the quality of hospital care between 2008 and 2013 found that mortality rates fell as hospitals learned how to work with the technology.
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Deadly Form of Advanced Prostate Cancer is Common, Calls for Distinct Treatment

July 9, 2018 - 4:13pm
Study of prostate cancer in 202 men, whose cancers had spread and were resistant to standard treatment, found that about 17 % of these cancers belong to a deadlier subtype of metastatic prostate cancer.
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Evolution of Melanoma Reveals Opportunities for Intervention

July 9, 2018 - 10:13am
UCSF researchers have identified the sequence of genetic changes that transform benign moles to into malignant skin cancer.
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Margot Kushel Named Director of the UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations

July 6, 2018 - 10:11am
Margot Kushel has been announced as the new director of the UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations at Zuckerberg San Francisco General and Trauma Center.
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UCSF Names New Leader for Real Estate

July 6, 2018 - 10:11am
With a planning process underway to re-envision Parnassus Heights and a new hospital on the horizon, change to the spaces that support our learning, teaching, patient care, and research is going to be part of the UCSF experience for many years to come. A new leader is set to join UCSF in August to help manage these changes.
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How CRISPR Tools are Unlocking New Ways to Fight Disease

July 5, 2018 - 7:32pm
The already famous CRISPR system allows scientists to edit faulty genes by cutting and replacing sections of DNA, but new and improved CRISPR techniques developed at UCSF have expanded CRISPR’s scalpel into a Swiss Army knife.
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New Form Of Wound Healing Revealed By Parasitic Gut Worms

July 3, 2018 - 4:57pm
Experiments using parasitic worms in the mouse gut have revealed a surprising new form of wound repair, a finding that could help scientists develop ways to enhance the body’s natural healing abilities.
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Staying Safe in the Sun – A Dermatologist Helps Separate Facts from Hype

July 3, 2018 - 4:57pm
Sun exposure can boost your mood, but it can also significantly boost your risk of skin cancer. Sarah Arron dispels myths around UV rays and gives you her best advice on skin protection.
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FDA Approves Landmark Marijuana-Derived Drug First Tested at UCSF

June 29, 2018 - 7:55pm
For the first time, a drug derived from marijuana has bee
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Do Dreams Prevent Atrial Fibrillation?

June 28, 2018 - 1:02pm
UCSF research team found that having less REM sleep – the sleep that includes more dreaming – was linked to higher chances of developing AF. 
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‘Music of Speech’ Linked to Brain Area Unique to Humans

June 28, 2018 - 10:03am
Insights into pitch control could pave the way for advanced brain prosthetics that could allow people who can’t speak to express themselves in a naturalistic way.
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UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals Celebrate Top-Tier 2018-19 Rankings

June 26, 2018 - 1:14am
In the U.S. News annual survey for 2018-19, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals’ campuses in Oakland and San Francisco placed among the country’s finest in all 10 pediatric specialties that were surveyed.
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Hundreds March with UCSF in 2018 San Francisco Pride Parade

June 25, 2018 - 4:13pm
A rainbow-hued contingent from UCSF turned out for the 48th annual San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade.
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The Unbearable Sensation of Being: Living With Sensory Processing Disorder

June 25, 2018 - 1:12pm
Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD, causes some children to find everyday stimuli excruciating. Scientists are finally shedding light on what causes the disorder and what can be done about it.
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Health Hub Launches in Collaboration with UCSF

June 25, 2018 - 10:12am
UCSF and a newly formed, next-generation nonprofit organization, Health Hub, are announcing their plans to affiliate.
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Immune Profile for Successful Cancer Immunotherapy Discovered

June 25, 2018 - 10:12am
UCSF researchers have identified a key biological pathway in human cancer patients that appears to prime the immune system for a successful response to immunotherapy drugs – checkpoint inhibitors.
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Combination Therapy May Revive Prospects for ‘Embattled’ Breast Cancer Drugs

June 25, 2018 - 10:12am
Researchers identified a protein that cancer cells use as a shield to protect the PI3K pathway against targeted drugs, and showed that blocking this protein allowed previously ineffective therapies to slow cancer cell growth and shrink tumors.
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Patricia O’Sullivan Receives 2018 UCSF Lifetime Mentoring Award

June 25, 2018 - 10:12am
Patricia “Pat” O’Sullivan has been named the 2018 recipient of the UCSF Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award.
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CryoEM Study Captures Opioid Signaling in the Act

June 21, 2018 - 4:25pm
Scientists have used ultra-high-resolution cryo–electron microscopy to capture the most detailed portrait ever of an opioid drug triggering the biochemical signaling cascade that gives it its power.
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