UCSF Supports Making All Scholarly Journals Freely Accessible
Faculty, administration and library leaders from UCSF took a major step towards the goal of making all scholarly literature freely available to everyone by endorsing an international open access initiative called OA2020.
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'Geofencing' Shows Promise in Tracking Chronic Care
Location-tracking apps on smartphones could be used to help track and manage care for thousands of patients who suffer from chronic diseases, and possibly provide feedback to them on lifestyle changes.
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UC Regents Approve Precision Cancer Medicine Building at Mission Bay
The Precision Cancer Medicine Building, which will provide outpatient cancer care to complement services at the UCSF Medical Center at Mission Bay, was approved this week by the University of California Board of Regents.
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Researching How Stress Among Sexual Minorities Affects Health on Genetic Level
Researcher Annesa Flentje is looking at ways stress among sexual minorities – those whose sexual orientation, identity or practices differ from the majority – can affect physical and mental health, starting at the genetic level, with a particular focus of late on the effect of stress on HIV-positive men.
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UCSF Launches Web Resource for New and Expecting Parents
To help individuals better navigate the complex world of family-leave benefits and family support services, UCSF has launched a “New and Expecting Parents page” website.
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Distinguishing Between Dementia and Depression with Neuroimaging
Neuroimaging is helping to distinguish between depression and dementia – two diseases with overlapping symptoms that can be difficult to diagnose properly.
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Science in Focus: Creating Neurons from Skin Cells to Understand Autism
Studying brain disorders is complicated for many reasons, not the least being the ethics of obtaining living neurons. To overcome that obstacle, UCSF postdoc Aditi Deshpande is starting with skin cells.
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Roly Gosling: Working Toward His Vision of a Malaria-Free World
Two things brought Roly Gosling to his current work to eliminate malaria: a series of British children’s books he read as a boy and a conviction that he should put his vision and beliefs into practice.
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UCSF Schools Rank Highly in 2018 US News Survey
UC San Francisco’s School of Medicine ranked in the top five nationally in this year’s U.S. News & World Report survey of best graduate schools.
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UC Health Issues Statement on the American Health Care Act
The University of California Health system is reviewing the American Health Care Act that was introduced in Congress the week of March 6.
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MEDIA ADVISORY: UCSF Holds Free Mock Trial: Is Mammography a Good Value?
UCSF physicians are holding a free mock trial to debate the health and financial value of mammography.
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UCSF to Lead Resource Team for Craniofacial, Oral and Dental Tissue Regeneration
UCSF is the lead institution on a California-based, six-university consortium that was awarded $12 million by the NIDCR to develop strategies for treating craniofacial and dental defects.
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UC Statement on President Trump’s New Travel, Immigration Executive Order
The University of California has issued a statement expressing its deep concern about the Trump Administration’s new executive order banning citizens of six nations from entering the United States.
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Leaders of UCSF’s Clinical Sites Present Unique Perspectives and a Shared Vision
Leaders from UCSF’s three major clinical organizations joined on Feb. 27 at the Mission Bay Hospitals’ Oberndorf auditorium for an overview of the breadth of the institution’s clinical enterprise.
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Study Shows How Skates, Rays and Sharks Sense Electrical Fields
Sharks, rays and skates can hunt for prey hidden in the sandy sea floor by “listening” for faint traces of bioelectricity – they can literally sense their prey’s heart beating.
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Medical Students Explore Health Care Delivery Improvement with Clinical Microsystems Clerkship
The launch of the Bridges, which came 15 years after the last revamping of the School of Medicine’s curriculum, includes the striking and intriguing change of including the Clinical Microsystems Clerkship.
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Zebrafish-to-Patient Approach Speeds Search for Childhood Epilepsy Treatments
In an unprecedented leap from lab to patients, a potential treatment for childhood epilepsy identified in experiments with zebrafish.
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UCSF Physicians, Staff Honored by San Francisco General Hospital Foundation
UCSF physicians and staff were among those honored by The San Francisco General Hospital Foundation in this year’s Heroes & Hearts Award, which recognizes individuals within the community who go above and beyond the call of duty to care for the people of San Francisco.
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UCSF Researchers Find Key to ‘Tired’ Blood and Immune Systems
A molecular key to aging of the blood and immune system has been discovered in new research conducted at UCSF.
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With New Imaging Technology, Scientists and Clinicians Can Visualize Biological Systems
A picture may be worth a thousand words. But new imaging technology that harmonizes mighty and distinctive microscopes may tell a complex story about a disease or condition – how it develops and how it can be treated precisely
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