Upon starting the program, you will meet with your assigned psychiatrist and clinician for assessment and treatment planning. Your psychiatrist will want to know what medications you are taking now and what psychiatric medications you have taken in the past. Please be prepared to provide that information on your first day. Your clinician is a master’s level therapist who will work with you to coordinate your treatment, including your goals for treatment. Your clinician will be your main point of contact for all questions regarding your treatment. You will meet with your clinician regularly during enrollment in the program—for PHP this is generally 1-2 times per week and for IOP generally once per week.
PHP and IOP are group therapy programs and the majority of time you spend with us will be attending groups to learn skills to manage your symptoms.
Many participants feel nervous on their first day—this is normal. Please do not hesitate to speak to a staff member about concerns or questions you have. After the first couple of days in the program, participants tend to feel more comfortable and settle into the routine of attending. Eventually, most participants come to value and enjoy their time in the program—we hope that will happen for you too.